
Amanda Rico - Canada 

“Absolute game changer! I hadn't considered myself to be a movement coach. I was always in this lane of being a yoga teacher. The fundamentals of prime, condition, and flow to prepare the body and mind for the work ahead has been a monumental shift in the way I teach, whether it's yoga or Steel Mace, or Kettlebells. The 4 Day Wave has completely changed the way I train which supports my own movement practice in such a deep way.

I had no idea that such a training methodology even existed. I learned so much. Summer brought things to my attention that I would have never even considered in regard to coaching. Working through different patterns that I've held for most of my life. Even just bringing awareness to those areas have created a big change in the way I'm running my business.”



“Steel Mace Vinyasa is unlike any movement practice I've ever done! It fully integrates the mind and body and takes me into that flow state I hope for in my practice. This seminar was extremely enlightening in terms of alignment, form, and methods of effective, straight-forward coaching. It already feels so empowering to wield a mace, but to learn about it more in depth, from it's ancient history to this new practice, takes it to another level!”

Vinni - Dubai

“Summer is incredible! From my first coaching session  with her I knewI would learn a lot with her. The questions she asked me took me out of the comfort zone and inspired me to keep studying more and more. I loved to learn from the virtual classes and online courses!

I'm already applying many concepts that I learned from the Steel Mace Vinyasa Certification with my students and it's working. I'm definitely more organized and more sensitive to understand my students, their strengths and their struggles. I want to thank you all at Flow Shala for everything you did for my career. Summer for her inspiring knowledge and her resourcefulness.” 


Alise- Washington

“The Steel Mace Vinyasa Lvl 1 Seminar with Summer was so refreshingly easy to digest, yet complicated enough that I never was bored! This Seminar really helped solidify my understanding of yoga asanas, body mechanics and practicing poses with a top heavy tool. After leaving the seminar I found the gears in my head turning, it made me really excited to plan classes that are really impactful and helping people feel more embodied.

The Steel Mace is a perfect tool for improving proprioception, creating openness through the chest, core stability and evening out imbalances. I found myself springing with every step after our one hour practice with the Mace. This Seminar is perfect for anyone trying to deepen their yoga practice and anyone who wants to be comfortable helping others feel the same way. Love how well Summer engages the whole group and gets you to think deeper. She is really great at breaking things down and working from simple to complex. Super fun!”

Wendy - Canada

“I have learned so much from flow shala in the last year. The 100 hours program challenged me physically, mentally, and emotionally. The Steel Mace Vinyasa content is so exciting -- solid and innovative and grounded in theory and practice. It brings together all the components, some of which are frequently missed by other programs.

Participant questions were solicited and addressed, the menu of online courses is expansive and each program is well organized and delivered. I am very inspired to continue growing my practices and my services with these skills and inquiries.”

Megan- Washington

“Summers ability to combine informative teaching, play, and the “why” behind her work during seminars is impeccable. Learning how to instruct Steel Mace Vinyasa was possible in such a short amount of time due to her organization and the informative course book that was provided as well. If you are looking to add in a practice that will bring flow to your life, then this is a course beyond worth taking! The seminar will leave you feeling inspired, educated, and ready to share your new skill with the community around you.”


Andrea - Florida 

“Working with Summer and her elite team of coaches not only helped me understand how to effectively move with a mace, but also how to tune into deeper somatic experiences in my body. This training goes beyond teaching the physical knowledge of mace mechanics. It’s an in depth dive into how to steep oneself into flow state and uncover layers of creativity and connection with movement and breath. 

My biggest takeaways was how important it is to understand how power  leakages connect to form and how imperative it is to do daily release work on our bodies. The four day wave training method allows for movement based recovery days which improves performance on peak training days and allows for less adrenal fatigue. I wasn’t training this way before working with Summer. It has been a game changer for my clients and myself.”

Ruan - South Africa 

My understanding of Kinesiology and Human Biomechanics have vastly improved. Some other big takeaways are the concept of "nesting" and teaching from "simple to complex". I never knew what flow states were, but I have experienced them before. Now I have the tools to be in flow on a daily basis AND coach Flow consistently with clients.

I value the feedback Summer gave me and helped guide me to find and focus on my niche client, and program design to their specific needs.”

Jolie - California 

“Summer is remarkable. She has created a container both virtually and in-person that is next-level! There is such depth to the Steel Mace Vinyasa curriculum, and a fundamental system of support for taking in the material. I not only immersed myself in Steel Mace Vinyasa and Flow State, but learned the fundamentals of yoga, breath work, somatics, neural load training, Patterns, Posture and Power Leakages, HIIT protocols, I could go on.

But most importantly, the curriculum challenged me to deeply understand how to get to the very root of why people walk in the door for training, how I can support transformation in a realistic way. I learned what it takes to develop and deliver a cohesive body of work with passion and joy!”